February 22, 2021

Daily Astorian Opinion: Sea Change

Chris Hager is the executive director of the Association of Northwest Steelheaders. He was also appointed by Gov. Brown to serve on the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee and volunteers with the local chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. He recently com/opinion/letters/letter-sea-published an opinion piece in the Daily Astorian on February 20, 2021 highlighting the need for the recreational angling community to engage in Representative Simpson's historic effort to restore Snake River salmon and steelhead.
February 22, 2021

Statesman Journal Opinion: Take Dam Proposal Seriously

Jack Glass has been guiding fishing trips in the Columbia Basin since 1983 with his company, Team Hookup Guide Service. He is a long-time advocate for salmon and steelhead recovery with over 40 years of experience on the water and more than 20 years advocating to free the lower Snake River. He published an opinion piece in the Statesman Journal on February 19, 2020 highlighting the need for the recreational angling community to engage in Representative Simpson's historic effort to restore Snake River salmon and steelhead.
April 13, 2021

Coeur d’Alene Press Opinion: Support Simpson Proposal

Kevin Brown is an Association of Northwest Steelheaders member who recently published an opinion piece in the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press on April 9, 2021 The piece emphasizes the need for the recreational angling community to engage in Representative Simpson's effort to restore Snake River salmon and steelhead populations.
June 23, 2021

Norm Ritchie Opinion: Time for Tough Conversations

Norm Ritchie is an Association of Northwest Steelheaders board member living in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. He recently published an opinion piece in the Astorian on May 22, 2021 highlighting the need for our legislators to come together and have hard conversations in order to find a solution to save wild salmon and steelhead populations from extinction.
June 23, 2021

Chris Hager Opinion: Remove the Snake River Dams

Chris Hager is the executive director of the Association of Northwest Steelheaders. He was also appointed by Gov. Brown to serve on the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee and volunteers with the local chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. He recently published a letter to the editor in The Columbian on June 20, 2021 highlighting the need for lower Snake River dam removal in order to save wild salmon and steelhead populations from extinction