Upcoming Steelheaders Events

Steelheaders Filmfest

The Association of Northwest Steelheaders will host our first film festival on January 10th at the McMenamins Mission Theater on 1624 NW Glisan Street. This will be a collaboration with conservation driven non-profit partners, with the goal of engaging with the public on priority issues, raising awareness of the Association, and creating an opportunity for the angling community to come together. Our featured film is “The Last 100 Miles: The Fight for the Lower Deschutes” from the Deschutes River Alliance, and we'll be showing two other films, as well!

Tickets are limited, so get yours today!

PNW Sportsmen's Show

The NW Steelheaders will be at this year’s PNW Sportsmen's Show February 12-16. We'll be selling memberships at our booth, and need about 20 members to volunteer there for 3 shifts per day at the show. Please contact Brad Garrett at garrett.brad@gmail.com if you can take a shift!

Upcoming Chapter Events

Chapter meetings are free and open to the public! All are welcome to attend.

Columbia River Chapter Meeting

When: Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm

Location: Prairie Tavern, 14925 NE Caples Road, Brush Prairie, WA 98606

Chapter Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbiaRiverChapter/

Emerald Empire Chapter Meeting

When: First Thursday of each month at 6:30pm - except July and August

Location: Sizzlers Steakhouse at Gateway, 1010 Postal Way, Springfield, OR 97477

Chapter Website: https://nwsteelheaderseec.wordpress.com/

McLoughlin Chapter Meeting

When: Second Tuesday of each month at 7pm

Location: Round Table Pizza,16550 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 - December and June meetings are off-site

Chapter Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/McLoughlinChapterSteelheaders/

Mid-Valley Chapter Meeting

When: First Wednesday of each month at 7pm - except June, July and August: BBQ & Picnic offsite in June

Location: The Santiam Place, 139 S Main St., Lebanon, OR 97355

Chapter Website: https://mvsteelheaders.wixsite.com/mvnwsh

Salem Chapter Meeting

When: Third Tuesday of each month at 7pm - This chapter does not meet in July or August

Location: Keizer Chamber of Commerce, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer, OR 97303, USA

Chapter Website: https://salemnwsteelheaders.org/author/salemnws/

Sandy River Chapter Meeting

When: First Thursday of each month at 7pm

Location: Glenn Otto Community Park, 1102 E Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, OR 97060

Chapter Website: https://www.sandyriversteelheaders.org/

Tualatin Valley Chapter Meeting

When: Second Tuesday of each month at 7pm - This chapter does not meet in July or August

Location: Hillsboro Elks Lodge #1862, 7553 NE Quatama St, Hillsboro, OR 97124

Chapter Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TVSteelheaders