Bills We're Watching
Stay up to date and informed this legislative session
The Northwest Steelheaders is focusing on the bills that affect Pacific Northwest salmon and steelhead, their habitat, and fishing access and opportunities
The tool below allows you to keep up to date on everything happening in Salem by tracking bills and where they are in the legislative process. You can click through to learn information and updates about our priority bills. As new actions are taken on each bill, they will move to the top of the list. If you'd like to help make a difference with our priorities, please get in touch with us at to learn more about having your voice heard in the state legislature.
We encourage you to reach out to your legislators with questions and concerns about the bills below, and whichever bills you are personally watching, throughout the session. There are a lot of relatively new legislators in both the House and Senate who may not know the importance of sportfishing to the region, or the struggles of salmon and steelhead, making advocating for the needs of the angling community especially important.
Having a voice and connecting with legislators about concerns is important and we're here to help. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns before, during or after you engage with your elected officials at
If you have any questions about our legislative priorities, or if you're interested in submitting testimony, please contact Tamsin Fleming at